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    Tuesday, February 4, 2014


    Wheat flour 1 cup
    Oil 1 teaspoon and for cooking
    Salt to taste (optional)

    Milk 1/4 cup / Curd or Yogurt 1/4 cup
    Water 1/4 cup (approx.)

    Chapati Recipe

    1.Coat the base and sides of a utensil with 1 teaspoon of oil.

    Add wheat flour and salt.  Mix.

    Add milk / curd / yogurt to the mixture.

    To make the soft dough, use your fingers and move them in a circular pattern, while adding water to the mixture. This way, you will allow the air also into the mixture, which helps in making soft chapatis.

    2.         Knead the dough for 1 minute.            

    3.Coat the dough with little oil, cover the dough with a bowl turned upside down
    Set  it aside for 10-15 minutes.

    4.knead the dough well and create 6 equal sized balls and press.

    5.         Take a ball and dip it in the wheat flour.        

    6.Roll out the flattened ball into the size of a poori using a rolling pin.
    7.Add few drops of oil.
     Spread the oil evenly on the entire surface.
    8.         Sprinkle 1 pinch of flour. 
    9.         Fold it into half.  Repeat steps 7 and 8.          

    10.Fold it into half.  You will get a triangle shape.
    11.       Press the edges between you fingers.         

    12.Dip the triangle shaped dough again in the wheat flour and roll out into a chapati.

    To avoid sticking of the dough on to the rolling pin or rolling board, while rolling out, use wheat flour often.
    13.       Heat a tawa or pan.         
    14.       Drop a rolled-out dough on the tawa, which is well-heated.     
    15.       Sprinkle few drops of oil.  Spread it using a spatula.

    Wait for few minutes.        
    16.       Flip the half-cooked chapati,  when the color changes or a few bubbles appear on the top surface.             
    17.       Sprinkle few drops of oil.

    Slightly press the chapati with a wooden chapati press.  
    18.       Cook until both sides have golden brown spots.    
    19.       Remove from the tawa.

    Follow the same procedure for the rest of the balls.         
    20.       Chapati is ready.

    Serve hot chapati with curry.   
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